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[ 椎名もた ( Siinamota ) ] ミスミソウ ( Hepatica ) - Eng Subs

Abysmal Clozdark 19,542 5 years ago
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Special thanks for Angelsubs for helping me again in translating this song. Angelsubs channel: --- lyrics: ミスミソウ 正しさも 間違えさえも Tadashi samo machigae saemo Correctness, and even my mistakes 飲み込んでしまえばいい Nomikonde shimaeba ī I should just gulp them all down 笑うように 傷っくように Warau yō ni kizukku yō ni So I can laugh- So I can hurt 煌めいては掠れていく Kirameite wa kasureteiku All that glitters begins to fade --- 育てた痛みも Sodateta itami mo The suffering I had nurtured 抱えた愛しさも Kakaeta itoshī samo And even the affection I harbored 全部置いてくよ Zenbu oite ku yo I'll leave it all behind さよなら Sayonara Goodbye --- ねぇねぇ教えて 合言葉エレジー Nē nē oshiete aikotoba erejī Hey, tell me, of the password elegy 潜って見えた赤色の意図の和を今思い出して、気付く Mogutte mieta akairo no ito no wa o ima omoidashite, kidzuku And now, I remember the stilled sea of red intentions, and realize 少年少女の汚れた光を紡いで見える Shōnen shōjo no kegareta hikari o tsumuide mieru I weave together the tainted light of all the boys and girls, and I see 新しい世界のすべてを抱き寄せて眠るよ Atarashī sekai no subete o daki yosete nemuru yo I hug tightly everything about the new world, and fall into slumber --- これまでもこれからも Koremade mo korekara mo Everything up until now, everything from now on 瞬いては掠めていく Matataite wa kasumete iku All that glitters, I steal --- 私が吐き出した涙も掻き集めてさ Watashi ga hakidashita namida mo kakiatsumete sa I pool together the tears that I shed 雨に返そうよ さよなら Ame ni kaesouyo sayonara And return them to the rain Goodbye --- ねぇねぇ教えて 本当の君を Nē nē oshiete hontō no kimi o Hey, please tell me, about the real you 笑ってみせたその裏の裏の裏側 Waratte miseta sono ura no ura no uragawa Show me what lies beneath the other side of the other side of that smile 思い出して、気付く Omoidashite, kidzuku I remember, and I realize 少年少女のよたれた景色は霞んで見えた Shōnen shōjo no yotareta keshiki wa kasunde mieta The sinful scene of all the boys and girls fades, and I saw あまりにも脆い僕らは歩き出した Amarini mo moroi bokura wa arukidashita The two of us, oh so frail, setting off --- そして Soshite And so, さあ、じゃあね じゃあね じゃあね Sā, jā ne jā ne jā ne See you later, see you later 雪に埋もれた思い出を掘り起こしたんだ Yuki ni umoreta omoide o hori okoshita nda I dug up my memories that had been buried under the snow --- ねぇねぇ教えて 本当の君を Nē nē oshiete hontō no kimi o Hey, please tell me, about the real you
