Celebrating the release of Silent Hill 2 Remake, which is due next month, with this collection of music from Akira Yamaoka.
All tracks are from the following games:
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Whilst there are many of these already out there (as well as better made), I thought I'd chime in with adding both the new SH2 Remake wallpaper and extra music that often goes unfeatured in these playlists.
Already took a whole day to make and was too lazy to figure out time stamps and listing of song names (further complicated by what to name half of the tracks, as some I believe, don't have official names and weren't featured on the OST's). So feel free to guess what song's what!
Please relax and enjoy.
#music #backgroundmusic #ambientmusic #ambience #rainsounds #thundersounds #silenthillshatteredmemories #rainandthundersounds
Naturally, I own none of this content, and all rights of these songs and other featured content belong to Akira and KONAMI etc.