0:00 Introduction
0:57 Part 1: Preparing the Design
2:46 Part 2: Mixing Resisted
4:44 Part 3: Preparing the Gutta Bottle
6:24 Part 4: Sampling Gutta
7:45 Part 5: Applying Gutta
9:49 Part 6: Testing the Gutta Line
10:58 Part 7: Mixing Custom Silk Paints
15:53 Part 8: Painting the Lotus Leaves
23:36 Part 9: Mixing Colors for Lotus Flowers
25:37 Part 10: Painting the Lotus Flowers
30:45 Part 11: Painting the Background
34:56 Part 12: Steam Setting
37:50 Part 13: The Completed Project
All dyes, fabrics and resists were purchased at @DharmaTradingCo