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"簡單" 空壓芭樂法 - "Simple" guava air-layering propagation

OxGreen 草牛 28,788 4 years ago
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本影片介紹採用 "簡單" 空壓條法繁殖芭樂果樹(番石榴),輕鬆繁殖芭樂之方法,只需簡單工具和材料,8月做泥球空壓,經過 8-9月炎熱酷暑長時間曝曬,期間不用管理,無須澆水,10 月打開查看,尼球外圍已經長出一堆小樹根,成功率高又簡單的繁殖方法。 This video introduces the method of propagating guava trees (guava) by the "Simple" air-layering method. Only simple tools and materials are needed. In August, the "Simple" air-layering with mud ball was done. No watering is required during summer. A bunch of small roots have grown on the outside of the bud ball in late Oct. The "Simple" air-layering with mud is an easy high-success rate propagation method. Air layering is suitable for most fruit trees such as guava, apple, pear, lemon, avocado, peach, persimmon, pomegranate, grape, etc... Comparison of main propagation methods: Air-layering: simple and convenient, the seedlings grow vigorously, mature and produce fruits in two years. Cuttings: The cutting method is suitable for small branches. The seedlings made from small branches will not produce fruit for several years. Grafting method: Commercial fruit tree seedlings, a large number of fruit tree seedlings in nurseries mainly use this method. Requirements for Simple propagation Sharp knife x 1 Plastic bag x 1 Soil (mud) Tap x 1 所需器材: 美工刀一把 朔膠帶一個 泥土一團或培養土一小盆 膠帶 空壓法是一般果樹繁殖最常用的方法之一。選芭樂(番石榴)空壓繁殖為範例,主要是番石榴是最常見的水果之一,若你發現朋友親戚或田邊水溝旁野芭樂超好吃,可用空壓法快速繁殖一棵小苗回家種,一年就會結果,兩年長成熟滿滿果實。製作一個簡單空壓大概只需5分鐘,選大小適中樹枝來做,約45天後就會長出一堆小樹根,剪下整支空壓樹枝後,種入土中或盆栽內。 各種果樹繁殖方法比較: 空壓法: 簡單方便,小苗生長旺盛,兩年成熟大量結果。庭院果樹繁殖主要用空壓法。 阡插法: 阡插法適合小枝條,中大枝條不適合,小枝條做出來的苗要好幾年, 一般要3年以上才會生果。 嫁接法: 商業銷售果樹苗,苗圃大量果樹苗主要用此方法,培養果樹苗時間長,要花兩三年以上培養嫁接砧木。 拷貝一顆果樹,克隆果樹繁殖方法,芭樂樹繁殖,水果壓條繁殖, 水果空壓繁殖法,芒果小樹苗培養,石榴壓條法培養,繁殖小果樹,果樹繁殖方法,植物嫁接方法,好吃果樹如何培養一株苗,克隆果樹,土芭樂(水果)如何改成好吃的水果品種。 #"Simple" air-layering propagation #guava propagation #air layering with soil ball #fruit tree air layering #泥球空壓法 #果樹空壓繁殖法 #芭樂繁殖 #果樹繁殖方法
