Simple Ken is hosted by Kenny Sebastian, A stand up comedian known for his observational humour and quirky stage presence.
A simple podcast about tackling the weekly conflicts of a comedian.
A strictly "no advice" podcast.
This is what I always wanted to do with Simpleken. Have a lot of comics together discussing purely our writing process. I am very blessed to be in this field while being surround by such talented minds. To be able to share ideas and concepts with each other is probably the highest privilege I enjoy. We discussed our insecurities, our personal crisis and also our guilty pleasures! Hope you guys can take something away from it and it hopefully adds to your creative and problem solving! Also there was a 10 minute segment on toilet humour which I removed to be empathetic towards some listeners who might find that jarring.
You can Tweet/Youtube/ Instagram your questions/topics/queries discuss for the next week episode using the hashtag #simpleken.
0:00 - Introduction
2:29 - Individual Comedy Styles
17:27 - Personal Rules of Comedy
28:48 - Comedic Voice and Personality
41:13 - Worst Interview Questions
50:47 - Outro
Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
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