In this sewing tutorial I will tell you how to make simple salwar step by step in hindi. सिंपल सलवार बनाने का सबसे अलग और सबसे आसान तरीका
In this video I have told the easiest method possible to make the salwar/salvar. It is a detailed, easy and step by step tutorial, even a beginner can also stitch salwar very easily after watching the video.
Note :- make sure that your fabric is plain or it should not have any directional print. Because in that case cutting is totally different.
Materials required :-
• fabric - mixed cotton - 2.5 mt or according to your length.
• Fusing ( bukram) = for poncha/ankle round
This video includes marking, cutting and Stitching, some tips and tricks which are needed to make salwar. Many tips are given to save your time.
इस video में मैंने सलवार बनाने का बहुत ही आसान तरीका बताया है। अगर आप सीखना चाहते हैं कि सिंपल सलवार कैसे बनाते हैं तो एक बार यह video जरुर देखें। इसमे बहुत सारी छोटी छोटी जानकारी दी गई है जिससे आप अपना काफी समय बचा सकते हैं।
It is a step by step tutorial in hindi along with English Subtitles so that everyone can get benefit from my videos.
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