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Ah cheers to this wonderful power
bullets can’t kill me, I am invincible and immortal
It’s impossible to beat this DIO
It’s driving me crazy
I can smell blood, and can’t help but to Muda Muda
stings inside my nose, waking me up
instinct, who should I eat today?
With this power, what can I do?
What can this DIO do?
Hoping that Golden Bloodline will
someday stop bothering me
Ah hoping, someday in the future
Jojo will decease with our destiny,
his bravery and pride
Will never fear anything,
I want is to be stronger, and stronger
so that this DIO can surpass humanity
Wonderful power never seems to fade
Jojo’s HAMON, never works, never works…
Grabbed his neck, and played with his carotid
Dire was all serious,
a rose he spat on my face, stabbing my eye
rHamon remaining, remaining,
Muda, not effective enough though
Jojo who”s pure and right
Jojo who never lets other people down
Jojo who believes in Justice
Jojo you are a monkey of this DIO
Is the power of the sun the strongest?
Eating human is the right way to live
How should DIO live?
Who am I supposed to be?
Jojo, in “the world” where there is no right answer
hoping to defeat this DIO,
that destiny and legacy will never disappear
Your heart resonating, your razor sharp blood,
remaining Hamon of yours
Ah Weak Jojo, defeating you over and over again
this destiny of blood, anger, and fear
A Space Ripper Stingy Eyes to you, Jojo
I want to be stronger, and stronger,
so that I can defeat Jojo
so that I can surpass humanity
I”m living, living, and living
to beat Jojo
surpassing DIO inside this Dio