#singlesinferno3 #koreandatingshow #love #relationship #gwanhee #jinseok #gyuri #hyeseong #hajeong #minyoung #jinyoung #couple #minji #wonik #habin #minwoo #shieun #minkyu
I share my views on dating shows that interests me and I also give updates as relationships progresses. In this video, this video contains recent controversies of some of the members of Singles Inferno 3.
Since we may never get a verbal update from the members directly, I decided to delve into the hints provided by them and share my opinions on their relationship status. Based on my observations and fan speculations.
This is based on the Netflix show, Single's Inferno 3. Jump into the comments and let's chat about our thoughts!
GwanHee's IG: https://www.instagram.com/leegwanhee0429/
HyeSeon's IG: https://www.instagram.com/hazelchoiii/