Siren Con 2024, All Tests
Heres all of the tests of Sirencon 2024 in one video. Thanks for all the suppourt guys!
EOWS 612: 0:00
Sterling M-5: 6:17
Mobil Directo: 8:49
Model 7: 13:25
Whelen WPS-3000: 16:09
SuperBanshee: 25:20
4/5 Bolt: 32:16
Alertronic 6000R: 40:44
T-Bolt 1000: 46:49
2001-SRN (Obama): 50:35
T-Bolt 1003: 53:26
S-145: 57:00
Fedelcode Mach 3: 59:44
Model 5T: 1:02:27
3T22: 1:05:45
S-7.5: 1:08:52
FS&S Type B: 1:11:35
Cincinatti Tribute: 1:14:00
EOWS Intermission: 1:17:28
SD-10: 1:23:40
AL-4000: 1:25:42
500-SHTT: 1:30:23
RM-130: 1:33:41
P-50: 1:36:26