The Rajbangshis celebrate the first day of the year, (Poila Boishakh) by playing with Sirua (Powdered colours). They put those colours on each other on Poila Boishakh, and then start the year. This is a community celebration, which symbolises community fraternity and brotherhood. This joyous celebration is often expressed through a musical drama with the same name, where the musical dialogue involves a sister-in-law insisting her brother-in-law to play Sirua Bishua with her. The brother-in-law first resists but later agrees to play with her, though he is afraid that his wife might not like this. This beautiful musical form depicts the strong family bonding and a community’s ethnical bonding through this musical performance.
Hashtags- #kaahonfolk #siruabishua #RajbanshicommunityofNorthBengal #FolkTheatre #folkperformance
Related Search – Rajbangshi community, rural life of Bengal, Pohela Boishakh, musical performance, North Bengal
Video curated by Kaahon Team
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