Al Hamdulillah !
This is the video of Dars e Qur'an in Urdu by Sis. Amtul Mateen, Manager Admin., Women Section, IREF on Sura Falaqh : Sura # 113 & Sura An Naas : Sura # 114 & Sura Kaafiroon : Sura # 109 & Sura An Nasr : Sura # 110 of the Glorious Qur'an conducted on : 25-Nov-2017-Sat.
Maa Shaa Allah u Laa Houla walaa Qhuvvata !
This completes her explanation in Urdu of the last part of Qur'an's Suraas that were uploaded here beginning from Session 01 and concluding on Session 39.