Live full sitar performances in video of Nikhil Banerjee are very rare, even as his performances of all aspects of Hindustani Classical Ragas are available in sound only, some with great audiophile quality. Many of these latter, have been presented under the undeniable title of The Sitar Samrat, for there is no player who comes close to his sincerity to the ultimate potential of the Sitar and how it can raise a listener to heights unimaginable, within.
The students and lovers of Nikhil Banerjee are greatly indebted to the Legendary Ali Akbhar Khan Sahib and His Vision for preserving the finest in Sarod and Sitar for the world, for allowing us to share this presentation, which happened ion the evening of the Autumn of 1985. In that season on October 12, this program happened which was attended by Khan Sahib himself.
The Ragas of the Marwa Thaat are presented, in great detail and glory by Nikhilda and in conclusion an hour long Raga mala in Mishra Khamaj, Hamsadhwani and Suha Kanada.
15 years have taken a toll on the quality of the video, which can perhaps be improved through professional means.
The current video is slightly improved in the hopes of providing a basis for students all over the world, who have to access to video, if not the Living Master. The program is presented without any advertisement interruptions and no copyright infringements are intended. There is no financial or monetary interest in sharing this video. The sole intent is to revive that great subtle eternal fragrance which spreads every time it is shared, with Love.
Raga Marwa is derived from Marwa Thaat. It is a dusk/ early evening Raga which uses six notes in the ascent and in the descent. Pancham is not used. Marwa uses Tivra (sharp) Madhyam and Komal (flat) Rishabh. All other notes are Shuddha (full). The derivative ragas out of this structure are grouped under the broad head of Marwa Thaat.
By the time we enter into the glorious Garden of Mishra Khamaj, Shri Swapan ji is gently there, all along, as the most devoted friend knowing every note of the Master intuitively, as the pair have shared all over the world.
Marva or Marwa is a hexatonic Indian raga; Pa (the fifth tone) is omitted. Marva is the eponymous raga of the Marva thaat.
Arohana: 'Ni Re Ga Ma Dha Ni Re' S'
In the Western scale this would roughly translate to: B D-flat E F-sharp A B D-flat C
Avarohana: Re' Ni Dha Ma Ga Re 'Ni 'Dha Sa
The Ma is actually Ma Tivratara, which is a perfect fourth above Re komal
Marwa is also characterised as quiet, contemplative, representing gentle love.
Thaat: Marwa
Puriya and Sohni have the same tonal material. In Puriya Ni and specially Ga are emphasised.
Purva (also called Purvya) belongs to a cluster of ragas bearing a family resemblance to raga Puriya in terms of swara material, and phraseology, melodic center of gravity, and therefore aural impression.
Swara material
Puriya: S r G M^ D N
Puriya-Dhanashree: S r G M^ P d N
Poorvi: S r G M M^ P d N
Puriya-Kalyan/Purva: S r G M^ P D N
What is common to all of them is komal (flat) Re, shuddha (natural) G, tivra (sharp) Ma, and shuddha (natural) Ni.
Raga Khamaj, the specific improvisational scale based on this mode, has the following structure:
Aroha (ascending structure)-S G M P D N S' Avroha-S'n D P M G R S [1]
If Sa is tuned to C, then this would translate as C B-flat A G F G A E F D C.
There is no universally-accepted pakad for Raga Khamaj, although some consider the phrases
This raga has been explored more in the lighter forms of Hindustani Classical Music such as Thumri, Tappa etc. Yet a few compositions in Dhrupad and Khayal are found as well.