In this webinar, GA maintenance expert and owner advocate Mike Busch A&P/IA discusses the six most common blunders he sees aircraft owners make in dealing with their shops and mechanics. These range from allowing mechanics to decide what maintenance needs to be done (which is the owner's job) to failing to obtain written cost estimates to allowing problems to be "shotgunned" instead of diagnosed systematically. These errors often result in the owner losing control of the maintenance process and winding up profoundly unhappy with the outcome. Mike discusses how owners can avoid these costly errors and truly become "owners in command" of their maintenance.Savvy Aviation offers Professional Maintenance Services to owners of General Aviation aircraft, such as: SavvyMx (Professional Maintenance Management including Prebuy Services), SavvyQA (Expert Consulting), SavvyAnalysis (Engine Data Analysis) and Breakdown Assistance. Savvy also publishes a monthly newsletter with lots of interesting information for the general aviation enthusiast; subscribe to it at https://www.savvyaviation.comor text the word "Savvy" to 33777. This webinar was hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA).