Fun & Interesting

S&J《旅行》去坪洲都算係旅行?!放假、散心、食好嘢、搵男女朋友都得?!香港好難搵到一個咁CHILL嘅地方🍹An afternoon in PENG CHAU《TRAVEL》

SARAH & JASON 9,710 14 hours ago
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近年最受歡迎嘅短片都係旅行 我哋由舊年年中都不停出埠去拍唔同嘅嘢 上海、 台灣、 珠海、 越南、 日本... 基本上東南亞可以飛嘅地方都飛過 其實香港都有好多未去過嘅地方 香港啲離島都係個幾唔錯嘅選擇 坪洲我哋真係完全唔熟 有機會探索吓嗰度啲餐廳、 啲打卡位都幾得意 A lot of you like to watch our travel videos, which is what we've been spending a lot of time doing in the past year. We've practically travelled the whole of south east Asia, as well as a bit of the mainland too. What we've forgotten about is that Hong Kong has so much to film. There are so many places we haven't been to yet, and Peng Chau is one of those places. SARAH JASON 00:00 START 00:47 搭船 2:20 坪洲 4:15 褀森冰室 5:42 行山 6:44 龍母廟 7:42 秘密花園 10:07 炒通粉 12:20 咖啡 #行山 #爬山 #中環 #渡海小輪 #坪洲 #長洲 #大嶼山 #梅窩 #打卡 #郊遊 #探店 #美食 #龍母廟 #拜神 #求子 #姻緣 #小店 #文物 #菠蘿包雪糕 #蝦多士 #炒通粉 #工作坊 #壁畫 #Hiking #Central #ferry #PingChau #CheungChau #LantauIsland #MuiWo #picnic #foodie #LungMoTemple
