A detailed guide on how to make an Overpowered ILLUSION ASSASSIN Build on Legendary Survival Difficulty with No Crafting. Played on the new Skyrim Anniversary Edition, no mods were installed during the playthrough and the build was played entirely on the hardest difficulty Legendary Survival.
Race : Orc
Orc is the best race for survival due to the berserker rage ability (double damage and take half damage) and their survival bonuses of Resist Fatigue and Hunger by 15%. +10 Warmth.
Final Stats: Level 28
Magicka 280 | Health 190 | Stamina 100 | All before buffs from equipment or standing stones.
70 One-Handed
15 Archery
17 Light Armor
100 Sneak
15 Lockpicking
15 Pickpocket
28 Speech
15 Alchemy
95 lllusion
15 Conjuration
15 Destruction
22 Restoration
15 Alteration
20 Enchanting
20 Smithing
25 Heavy Armor
20 Block
20 Two-Handed
Perk list in the order I buy the perks, not the level that I obtain them.
Perks in order of purchase: 2 Stealth 1/5 | 3 Backstab | 4 Deadly Aim | 5 Assassin's Blade | 6 Muffled Movement | 7 Light Foot | 8 Silent Roll | 9 Silence | 10 Shadow Warrior | 11 Armsman 1/5 | 12 Armsman 2/5 | 13 Armsman 3/5 | 14 Novice Illusion | 15 Hypnotic Gaze | 16 Animage | 17 Kindred Mage | 18 Quiet Casting | 19 Master of the Mind | 20 Adept Illusion | 21 Expert Illusion | 22 Illusion Dual Casting | 23 Fighting Stance | 24 Savage Strike | 25 Armsman 4/5 | 26 Dual Flurry | 27 Dual Savagery |
Perks after this can be invested however you like.
Final Gear:
Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
Dark Seducer Armor
Dark Seducer Boots
Shrouded Gloves
Amulet of Talos
Ring of Surroundings
Blade of Woe
Mehrunes Razor
Mage Backpack
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Music from Epidemicsound featuring DJ Fevvy
In order of Appearance:
Diabolical Suiter - Sightless in Shadow
Renowned - Alexandra Woodward
See no Evil Hear No Evil - Alexandra Woodward
Paris After Dark - Moins Le Quartet
Count Me In - Got Happy
World On Fire - Sightless in Shadow
Devil in a Can - Walt Adams
Riding the Storm - Deaf Election
Gods of Jupiter - Splasher