Skyrim Relaxing Music & Ambience this includes songs from Towns, Exploring, Taverns, Caves/Dungeons, plus the DLC's Dawnguard and Solstheim. Today marks the 10th year anniversary for Skyrim. It's one of my favorite games and the least I could do is make a video dedicated to the beauty, music, and sounds of Skyrim. Jeremy Soule has a way with music and Skyrim's soundtrack and ambience always leave me in wonder. I may have been to on the nose making the video 11 hours 11 minutes and 11 seconds long... haha well I'm a little crazy. Thank you for taking the time to watch and I truly hope this video can help you relax.
Composer - Jeremey Soule
Gameplay recorded by Loopy
From Past to Present - 0:00
Distant Horizons - 5:02
The City Gates - 8:54
Dragonsreach - 12:39
Far Horizons - 14:59
Secunda - 20:28
Masser - 22:32
Dawn - 28:35
Tundra - 32:31
Kyne's Peace - 36:18
Frostfall - 40:07
Sky Above, Voice Within - 43:30
Ancient Stones - 47:24
Solitude - 52:06
Standing Stones - 54:17
The Gathering Storm - 1:00:52
Awake - 1:03:43
The Jerall Mountains - 1:05:12
The Streets of Whiterun - 1:08:28
Imperial Throne - 1:12:30
Under an Ancient Sun - 1:14:46
The White River - 1:18:24
Beneath the Ice - 1:21:56
Silence Unbroken - 1:26:07
Silent Footsteps - 1:28:26
Into Darkness - 1:31:20
Death in the Darkness - 1:34:10
Soul Cairn - 1:36:42
Forgotten Vale - 1:41:02
Wind Guide You - 1:45:24
Aurora - 1:54:28
Journey's End - 2:01:46
Out of the Cold - 2:05:52
The Bannered Mare - 2:08:52
Around the Fire - 2:11:20
A Winter's Tale - 2:14:28
A Chance Meeting - 2:17:48
Sovngarde - 2:20:58
Peaceful Waters - 2:24:34
Blessings of Vivec - 2:27:40
Over the Next Hill - 2:30:56
The Road Most Travelled - 2:34:01
Shed Your Travails - 2:37:18
Caprice - 2:40:30
Silt Sunrise - 2:43:58
Boat Arrival - 2:47:10
Solstheim Exploring 1 - 2:48:04
Solstheim Exploring 2 - 2:52:34
Solstheim Exploring 3 - 2:59:40
Solstheim Exploring 4 - 3:05:11
Skyrim Atmospheres - 3:08:48
Repeat Once - 3:51:22
Repeat Twice - 7:25:44
Ending - 10:59:48
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