We could not be more excited to return to our second year of Slammedenuff Gatlinburg. This show has turned into our biggest and favorite show of the year outside of our of own events. The vibes in the smokies mountains are truly contagious. We prepared for this years trip more then ever, planning photo shoots, hangouts with supporters and members. @romeotranmedia came along for the ride to film all the action! I want to give a huge shoutout to him and all of our team for making the movie possible! Sit back and enjoy the 25min movie of our experience at Slammedenuff Gatlinburg 2022.
#SEgatlinburg2022 #slammedenuffgatlinburg #gatlinburg #slammedenuff #gat #carshow #movie #edit #static #bagged #rollerz #staticstruggle #fordom #ridelowstaylow