Hi friends!
I`m happy to release my new collaboration with amazing guitar player - Mel -https://www.youtube.com/c/MelSickScreamoAnnie
Wonderful ringse on me from GTHIC! Use the promo code "Elena" and get a 20% discount
Thanks Positive Grid for this sound! Spark amp is a great way to learn a song, find a cool sound and record it! So many opportunities! Just check their website
My guitar - Solar A2.6FRC
Trying to learn guitar? I always learn with video lessons to improve my skills! Try the 14 day FREE trial at GuitarTricks with over 11,000 lessons! https://www.guitartricks.com/?a_aid=5c951d7ab863a
It will make your way easier and more interesting!
If you haven't heard it yet, my band has finally released the first single! check it out –
I will be very grateful if you support me on my Patreon, your help is very important to me, it helps me to turn my ideas into reality!
Special THANK YOU for my patrons:
Source Adversary
Mike Simmons
tony person
Wesley P Bower
Jason Todd Ashcraft
Lazy Owl
Dennis Fan
Juan-Carlos Buisman
Krombopulos Michael
Jason Jones
Amedeo Vacante
Михаил Васильев
Pataki Miklós
Thomas Horine
Nick Bochev
Wisdoms Wind
Frank Pusateri
And special thanks for my YouTube sponsors:
Eli Torres
Олег С
Максим Сидоренко
Andrew Uskiewicz
Baron Ghede
Paul Vd Wolf
Ty Ditto
Поддержка Сбер - 5336690041147481
Support by PayPal - [email protected]