Taking inspiration from a lot of sources I've learned from the past few years, including work from J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, George Lucas, Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning, Jonathan Pageau's Symbolic World, Ryan Reeves, and more, I finally decided to dive back into story analysis regarding one of my favorite Disney animated classics, Sleeping Beauty.
In this analysis, I explore the meaning of the story of Sleeping Beauty, a Biblical epic that symbolizes the unification of Heaven and Earth, and the union of humanity and the divine. In the story, Maleficent represents Satan, ultimate evil, while Aurora represents humanity in both calling and destiny. Philip, the sacrificial hero armed with truth and virtue, represents Christ, the prophesied one who would reverse the curse.
Watching this film back, I couldn't help but see the biblical threads placed throughout the narrative, and knowing that the purpose of fairytales is to move the imagination to consider the greatest of topics, I couldn't resist making this video.
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