!!! LIMITED TIME BABY CHIFFON PLUSHIES !!! 👉👉 https://makeship.com/products/baby-chiffon this may be one of the biggest video projects i've done like....my arms are failing me atm oh god anyways happy halloween yall :) ------------------ this is more of a PMV then an "animation meme", but still original meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IbBfjrTRwI song: Forrest Day - Sleepwalk used: flipaclip, medibang paint, after effects, chiffon plushie , two of my fingers and 4 years of lifespan ----------------------- *PLEASE, DON'T use my animation in compliations,reviews mashups ect WITHOUT my permission!! * you can contact me on my twitter: https://twitter.com/sir_fluff_butts?s=09 my toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/sirfluffbutts my instagram: @sir_fluffbutts my devianart: https://sirfluff-thefluff.deviantart.com my tumblr (WIP) : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/sir-fluffbutts second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkavwSaAE7xmVQcU9I6yvKw business email: [email protected]