Whether you have flaps or not, slipping is an incredibly effective way to increase your descent rate, without increasing your airspeed. Slipping is also a great way to tighten your approach, or help you make that field in an emergency. One day when the Stearman bug bites ya, you'll have to slip for the simple reason it's the only way to see while landing!! There are sideslips, (used for crosswind landings) and there are forward slips, (shown in this video) both fun, both safe, both flown pretty much the same way. I wanted to make a video using real time GPS data with ground overlays to show actual data how well these work. Slipping is one of the maneuvers I see Private Pilots do for their initial training, but then they rarely ever revisit them until it's Flight Review time etc. I want to make it clear, if you NEED to slip every approach at your typical GA Airport, you need to work on energy management but if you routinely fly in and out of small grass strips with obstacles, slipping very well be part of every approach. This video isn't a "How to", it's more of a "why you should". I will make another video on exactly how to slip safely but first I want to demonstrate why you would want to.
0:00 Intro
0:39 Brief Discussion about slips
1:15 Hand Propping
3:06 Takeoff
4:30 First Approach (no Slip)
7:48 Second Approach While Slipping
9:58 Slipping from 1,000ft on Final
12:20 Full Slip Directly to rwy from Abeam Numbers
14:50 Baby Slip back at Flying W