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Here I’m flipping through my completed 2023 reading journal and chatting about the 29 books I read. I am a slower reader (and last year was super busy), but I’m excited to share my thoughts about these reads. #juliaroyal
0:00 - Intro Pages
5:15 - Book Spreads + Chat
35:05 - 2024 Spreads
🏪 E T S Y ! bujo · planner · scrapbooking stickers + more! — http://www.etsy.com/shop/juliaroyaljournals
🛍️ D I S C O U N T S
*Some links are affiliate links. I make a small commission at no extra cost to you! :))*
JULIA10 at Atlas Stationers: https://bit.ly/royalatlas
ROYAL 10 at Notebook Therapy: http://bit.ly/3W0SntI
JA-JULIA at Ferris Wheel Press: https://bit.ly/fwp-royal
ROYAL10 at Archer & Olive: https://bit.ly/389S61w
ROYAL10 at The Washi Tape Shop: https://bit.ly/washitape-royal10
✒️ S O M E S U P P L I E S
Odyssey Notebook: https://bit.ly/3Tc3GNy
Some of my favorite stationery supplies, filming equipment, and more (Amazon Storefront): https://www.amazon.com/shop/juliaroyal
💬 L E T ' S C O N N E C T
Instagram: @valovanity
TikTok: tiktok.com/@valovanity
website: juliahere.com
📢 O T H E R M E N T I O N S
2023 Reading Journal Setup: https://youtu.be/DpXIwoMnB0U
2024 Yearly Bujo Spreads: https://youtu.be/bm8RM4B0Fzg