ସାପ ପାଇଁ ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମଣ ରେଖା
କେଉଁ ଜୈବିକ ଔଷଧ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରିବେ
Snake Repellant
ଘରେ ବା ଜମିରେ ସାପ ପଶିବେ ନାହଁ
Solar Ultrasonic Repellant
What do snakes hate most
What can I spray to avoid snakes
Does snake repellent actually work
What is the most effective snake repellant
What can I spray to avoid snakes
Does snake repellent actually work
Do snakes hate phenyl
Do snakes hate salt
Snake may be poisonous or non poisonous but its has a great Impact on people
More than One thousand people died per year in snake bite
It also control Rodent
Pest population
It can be controlled by Growing Merigold
Can be controlled by using applying White Vinegar
Organic Repellant
Snake out
Suibio Snake Repellant
Solar Solar Ultrasonic Repellant
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#krushisampada #snake #odia
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leaf curl