this compilation includes all RTFs by snapcube (excluding BTDubs) since the non sonic ones deserve more attention. I decided to be "different" and include moments I reference, so it includes scenes that are often overshadowed in similar compilations. And yes, I do reference all of these, either in conversation or just in my head when doing something. Even the random noises Alfred does as I frequently do weird noises.
Anyway, I've been on a binge rewatching these dubs and decided to make this while working on some MEP parts.
Each dub is featured in release order:
Sonic Adventure 2 - Hero Story
Sonic Adventure 2 - Dark Story + Final Story
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Spider Man
Sonic '06
Resident Evil 2
Sonic Riders
Until Dawn: Part 1
Until Dawn: Part 2
Shadow the Hedgehog
Link to playlist:
Subtitle fixes:
8:11 - 'On GOD' (thx to fruitylittleman8025)
8:31 - 'fucko' (thx to blue_lux)
11:26 - 'tuRLeTTT' (thx to Hexacosichoron12)
11:40 - 'orbiter' (thx to Hexacosichoron12, samk-j6735, rook2ii, Kikol10)