Sinistcha ex can Snipe your opponents Pokémon wherever they are on the field! Here is my expanded list of Sinistcha ex!
Mentions: @mrdogtcg
Pokémon: 5
1 Dedenne-GX SMALT 156
4 Poltchageist TWM 20
3 Blitzle LOT 81
4 Sinistcha ex TWM 23
3 Zebstrika LOT 82
Trainer: 10
4 Professor's Research CEL 24
4 Ultra Ball PLF 122
1 Canceling Cologne ASR 136
1 Accompanying Flute TWM 142 PH
2 Clay CEC 188
4 Quick Ball SSH 216
1 U-Turn Board UNM 255
4 Net Ball SMALT 139
3 Rescue Stretcher SMALT 187
1 Brilliant Blender SSP 164
Energy: 1
20 Basic {G} Energy Energy 36
0:00 - Intro
0:15- Deck Overview
2:29 - Game 1
12:21 - Game 2
21:10 - Outro
#pokemontcglive #pokemontcg #prismaticevolutions