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I don't normally pilot heavyweight ACs, so this was opportunity to study this weight class and skills required to pilot them successfully - particularly sustained assault boosting.
In terms of build loadout, I started with a pretty standard POWERBAKA 20.
While it gets docked for being a low-skill build, there's also a lot you can learn from it - especially around timing, positioning, assault boosting maneuvers, and EN management.
While POWERBAKA got me off to a good start, I found it a bit too slow and cumbersome for my taste.
I started with frame adjustments. POWERBAKAs have AP and defense to spare, so my first build decision was to trade some defense for mobility to better suit my style.
I use the VE-40A core for its outstanding defenses along with its supply adjustment, which cuts the SAN-TAI's recharge time down significantly.
I chose BASHO arms for their light weight, energy load, and good stat density. This free up quite a bit of mobility and energy, and the OCELLUS FCS more than offsets BASHO’s low firearm specialization.
For legs, I started with TIAN-QIANG but ended up opting for DESSERT instead.
The tradeoff here was spreading out some of the defense over kinetic, explosive, and energy, and boosting stability without sacrificing much in terms of weight or EN load.
I do prefer the SAN-TAI generator for its fast recharge and large capacity for aggressive AB tactics.
For boosters, the P/10 are a fantastic choice for assault boosting. But I also wanted to explore some other options, and I really like the 12345 boosters on this build.
While they are a bit slower in terms of overall AB thrust, they're still very efficient for AB and QB energy consumption.
And the 12345's long thrust duration gives it some extra mobility. I found these work really well for triangle boosting, which I've been trying to get better at.
The other reason I selected this booster was to address some spacing issues that would sometimes crop up at very close engagements. With the P/10 I sometimes found it difficult to find the space I needed to start an assault boost maneuver.
The 12345s allow this AC to create space and dodge more effectively thanks to its lighter weight, and pairs well with the SU/Q5 pulse shield to improve overall defensiveness.
We're playing up close and personal, so the OCELLUS FCS is still the targeting computer of choice. But, I did make a few adjustments in terms of standard POWERBAKA equipment.
I traded one ZIMMERMAN for the ETSUJIN for a couple reasons. One was to free up some weight and energy load while maintaining some ability to generate stagger.
Plus, the ETSUJIN is a great tool for wearing down opposing shields, which is a strong counter to dual ZIMMERMAN builds.
I also traded one MLT/10 for the SU/Q5 pulse shield - also to free up some weight and energy while also boosting defensiveness.
I’ve also been experimenting with laser drones, which helps against tanks and other heavyweight setups.
Since JUPITER CRUSH needs a less than a second to start recharging, it synergizes well by mitigating incoming damage during recharge before AB or QBing away.
The SU/Q5 is surprisingly resilient and offers great uptime when used this way - I've been surprised at the things I've parried using it without getting staggered.
When running against kites and similarly fast builds, I'll jettison the SU/Q5 for some extra speed and energy. This is usually enough speed to chase, and the MLT/10 helps with the pursuit.
This build has been surprisingly versatile, and I've been really enjoying playing it and everything its been teaching me.
It’s main style is to rushdown or chase opponents with the MLT-10 and ETSUJIN before applying some burst damage and impact with the ZIMMERMAN.
You definitely have to pay attention to shield cooling, energy management, and reload times when you’re up close.
It does well against a variety of builds, including the common ZIMMERMAN rushdown thanks to its own pulse shield and the ETSUJIN. It can also confidently take on dual stun gun builds thanks to the SU/Q5.
However, it struggles against really fast kites and some very heavy, high-defense builds that eat ETSUJIN and ZIMMERMAN shots like popcorn and dole out crazy damage, like the LARBSTER.
Even so, it's been a blast to play in PvP and PvE and has made it onto the coveted first tab of my saved AC loadouts.
That's it for this build breakdown!
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