Hello everyone, Hear is the Second Part of my Sodor fallout adaption. It took me a little while but I finally got it done. I know less and less people are doing Sodor fallout now these days, either saying stuff like it's cringe or people stealing video's from others. I'm going to say this right now, from what me and many others are seeing, people keep stealing video's from others, when it's not right, people shouldn't steal any video's for there own fun, well it's not funny to steal anyone's video's so I'm asking all views to not steal any parts of this video or any other video's we make of (SF), If I know you well and I trust you enough and you want to use a scene from me, just ask, if I don't know you all that well and you ask and I say no, then just live with it, maybe think of your own thing for SF, and same applies for the audio too. If you do end up stealing any scene from me or anyone else then you will be give a talking too, because actions have consequences you know. I will be putting this message in all of my Sodor fallout videos and future videos as well. Please take message seriously (thank you for reading).
Sodor fallout by TidmouthThunderbolt
SFX's by G.W. Shunter and other respective owners.
Filmed with Bandicam and edited with Filmora
All other content goes too respective owners.
Sodor Fallout Duck, James and Percy Facepacks Made by Me.
James's Mutated Mouth's made by TheLitFirebox / Morty
I Don't know who made Percy's SF Faces, But Credit to that who made them.
Special Thanks To J.T the blue pannier tank productions for helping me find the SFX's I needed, So thank you John.
(Not Made For Kids)