can yall tell i like the marias be honest...... anywho i think i'll be posting like 3-4 times a week from here on out! i wanna post more but ur girl's BUSY. so. i do what i can ^__^
0:00 no one noticed ⋮ the marías
0:32 valentine ⋮ laufey
1:30 sweater weather ⋮ the neighborhood
1:51 little bit ⋮ lykke li
2:21 in this darkness ⋮ clara la san
2:41 missing textures ⋮ nivek fforhs
3:02 reflections ⋮ the neighborhood
3:30 heavy ⋮ the marías
3:52 duvet (acoustic) ⋮ bôa
4:55 all i need ⋮ radiohead
5:55 impacto ⋮ enjambre
6:19 creep ⋮ radiohead
7:06 the adults are talking ⋮ the strokes
7:58 twilight ⋮ bôa
8:59 anthems for a seventeen-year-old girl ⋮ yeule
9:56 alice ⋮ pogo
10:18 falling behind ⋮ laufey
10:45 slow dancing in the dark ⋮ joji
11:00 sienna ⋮ the marías
11:51 secret door ⋮ artic monkeys
12:25 i think ⋮ tyler, the creator
12:49 where this flower blooms ⋮ tyler, the creator
13:07 bigmouth strikes again ⋮ the smiths
13:55 dove (doll ver) ⋮ antihoney
14:27 running away ⋮ vano 3000