Finally, I am satisfied with my recipe and happy to share. I normally freeze my bread, these bread still soft after I defrost them. I am using Russell Taylor BM30 bread maker, I also try to use the "Home Made" program which can program my own time for each stage.
Here is the recipe, enjoy :)
Yield 1125g Bread
Water 190g
Milk 190g
Bread Flour 460g
Instant Yeast 7g
Main Dough
Bread Flour 150g
Sugar 20g
Salt 9g
Butter 25g
Bread Maker Russell Taylor BM30
Program 15 Homemade
Knead 1 - 15mins
Rise 1 - 5mins
Knead 2 - 20mins
Rise 2 - 20mins
Rise 3 - 50mins
Bake - 1 hour Color Medium
Important Notes
Take the dough pan out when "Knead 2" end to remove the blades and shape the dough.
Put the pan back after "Rise 2" end, this is to ensure the blade will not turn when you pop the bread pan back
For the final rise, bake the bread when bread rise till 80%
#russelltaylorsbreadmaker #breadmakerbread #milkbread