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Soft & Fluffy Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls (Tangzhong Method) - Extra Moist | 朱古力肉桂捲 (湯種法) - 超柔軟,濕潤持久不乾硬

Cozy Kitchen 623 3 months ago
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@CozyKitchen436 #CinnamonRolls #TangzhongMethod #SoftandFluffyBread #HomemadeBakery #湯種 #肉桂捲 #鬆軟濕潤 #自製麵包 #簡單食譜 #烘焙教學 Learn how to make soft and fluffy cinnamon rolls with a twist – a rich chocolate-cinnamon filling using the Tangzhong method! This technique ensures your bread stays moist, tender, and fresh for longer. The combination of cocoa powder and cinnamon creates an irresistible flavor, perfect for breakfast, dessert, or a sweet treat any time of the day. Follow this easy step-by-step recipe and enjoy bakery-style cinnamon rolls at home! INGREDIENTS :- A) Tangzhong: Bread flour (20g), Water (100g) B) Main Dough: Bread flour (300g), Salt (4g), Sugar (40g), Instant Yeast (3g), Tangzhong (80g), Milk (180g), Butter (50g) C) Filling: Brown sugar (65g), Butter (70g, room temperature), Cinnamon powder (7g), Cocoa powder (6g) INSTRUCTIONS :- 1. Place all the main dough ingredients (except butter) into a mixing bowl. Mix on low speed until combined, then switch to medium speed. 2. Once the dough comes together, add the butter and continue kneading until smooth. The final dough temperature should be 28°C (82°F). 3. Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a greased bowl for the first proofing. Let it rise for about 1 hour or until it doubles in size. 4. While the dough is proofing, prepare the filling by mixing all the ingredients together. 5. Once the dough has doubled, punch it down to release air. Roll it out into a rectangle approximately 35x38cm. 6. Spread the filling evenly over the dough. For a stronger cinnamon flavor, sprinkle additional cinnamon powder on top. 7. Roll the dough tightly into a log and seal the edge. 8. Cut the log into 9 equal pieces using dental floss or a knife. 9. Arrange the rolls in a 22x22cm (suggested, not a must) square baking pan and let them proof for the second time for 1 hour or until they double in size. 10. Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F). 11. Optionally, sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top before baking. 12. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. 🔔 Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more baking videos! **學會製作柔軟鬆軟的肉桂捲,這次加上驚喜的朱古力肉桂餡!** 採用湯種法,確保麵包濕潤柔軟,保鮮時間更長。可可粉和肉桂粉的結合創造出無法抗拒的風味,無論是早餐、甜點,還是任何時候的美味小點心,都非常適合!跟著簡單的步驟,在家也能做出烘焙店水準的朱古力肉桂捲! **材料:** A)湯種:高筋麵粉(20克)、水(100克) B)主麵團:高筋麵粉(300克)、鹽(4克)、糖(40克)、即溶酵母(3克)、湯種(80克)、牛奶(180克)、牛油(50克) C)餡料:黑糖(65克)、牛油(70克,室溫)、肉桂粉(7克)、可可粉(6克) **步驟:** 1. 將所有主麵團材料(牛油除外)放入攪拌缸中,以慢速攪拌均勻,然後轉中速攪拌。 2. 麵團成團後,加入牛油,繼續攪拌至光滑,麵團溫度需達28°C。 3. 將麵團滾圓,放入已塗油的碗中,進行第一次發酵,約1小時或至麵團膨脹至2倍大。 4. 發酵時,將餡料材料混合均勻備用。 5. 發酵完成後,將麵團取出,輕輕排氣,用擀麵棍將麵團擀成約35x38cm的長方形。 6. 將餡料均勻地塗抹在麵團上。如喜歡更濃郁的肉桂風味,可再撒上一些肉桂粉。 7. 將麵團緊密地捲起,封口壓緊。 8. 用牙線或刀將麵團切成9等份。 9. 將麵團放入22x22cm的方形烤模中,進行最後發酵,約1小時或至膨脹至2倍大。 10. 烤箱預熱至190°C。 11. 烤之前可再撒些肉桂粉作裝飾(可選)。 12. 烘烤25-30分鐘,至表面呈金黃色即可出爐。 🔔 **別忘了按讚、留言和訂閱,以獲取更多烘焙影片!**
