Fun & Interesting

Solarballs Dares! // ryukki // Gachaclub x Solarballs // 3K special! // Ft : The whole solar system.

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HIIIIII IM FINALLY BACK!1!1!1!!1 honestly this is the longest video ive ever made- it ate like 95% of my storage so you guys better like it🤬🤬 /joke Warnings are already in video so no need for it in desc nobody really reads descriptions anyways so- but IF YOU DID, then say "marshmallo" with no W. just, marshmallo. ANYHOWW i was about to rant but i forgot what i wanted to rant so uhm yea my memory term is as short as a goldfish about 2 seconds before my memory refresh. this was suppose to come out yesterday bc i was planning to fuck up my whole sleeping schedule again but i literally straight up doozed off at 9 PM. i still woke up late for school somehow ANYWAYS 2.0 Platforms used : ★ Ibispaint ★ Capcut ★ Gacha club ★ Animated Drawing ( website ) Time taken : A whopping week Well, after this whole video im probably gonna be absent for awhile bcz of exams nd lack of video ideas AND I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY MISTAKE IVE DONE IN THIS VIDEO I didnt really recheck the video after i imported it soo-- okay bye yall👍👍
