My Solo Artist Retreat: A Week Of Creativity + Inspiration Creating My Mixed Media Landscape Series Part 2
This is a series documenting the solo artist retreat I took, for the very first time, January 10-17 of 2025.
Because life is life--it feeds our process. But it's also hard to focus and maintain a flow when you work at home. I was oh so fortunate to get the opportunity to spend an entire week away from my usual environment and get away with just me, my paintings, my hubby and my pup. All I had to do was paint and think about painting and, let me tell you, it's pretty amazing.
This is Part 2 of my documentation of this week and also my reflections on why it's important, what I'm working on, and how to pull off a studio away from the actual studio. (Video chapters below)
All of this started with deep experimentation, but it was hard to get started and I felt very paralyzed. If you’re feeling like that, then you might like to join my free challenge that helped me launch my new work, and you can join up here: 15 Minutes for 14 Days Experiment Challenge
To learn more about my Intuitive Landscape class:
Video Chapters:
0:00 Some thoughts mid-week about having a solo art retreat
0:52 Where my paintings are at this point mid-week
2:34 Explanation of some of my process and what I’m exploring
6:50 How the paintings are evolving
ICYMI in Part 1, Here’s What I Packed For My Solo Retreat:
3 ml plastic to cover everything
painter’s tape
Water Container
My sketchbook of past landscapes for reference
spray bottle
11x14 Strathmore Mixed Media Paper 400 Series
Canson Watercolor Board
Palette Paper
2- 12x12x.5 canvas
2- 16x16x1.5 canvas
Art Graf tailor’s chalk
Golden Satin Glazing Liquid
Collage Papers
Acrylic Paints:
Transparent White
Indian Yellow
Acrylic Inks:
Flame Orange
my own mixes of inks that I use most
Big brush
Small brush
silicone shaper tool
palette knife
If you’d like to watch the video on how I make my palette paint collage papers, here it is: Use the Dried Paint on Your Palette to Make Amazing Collage Papers
If you find my videos helpful, I always appreciate support so I can keep creating valuable and free content for artists. You can donate here and thank you! :
#mixedmediaart #mixedmedia #creativeprocess #retreat #abstractlandscape #mixedmediacollage #landscapepainting