Welcome to my Greece Travel Vlog! In Athens there was so much to do and see, the people were friendly and it was pretty crowded at times. I was sick when I got to Mykonos so I did pretty much nothing 🥹 Santorini definitely was super relaxing, absolutely GORGEOUS, & the food was delicious but can I say, not better than Paros?! Paros is a hidden gem and I definitely recommend you add it to your island hopping list! Overall Greece was 10/10 and one for the books! #santorini #athens #greece #girlstrip __________________________________________ ♡ F O L L O W M Y S O C I A L S ♡ ◦ Instagram: https://instagram.com/rvw.xo ◦ TikTok: @raquelsjourney ◦ Website: http://raquelsjourney.com ◦ Business contact: [email protected] __________________________________________