Immerse yourself in the dark and thrilling world of Red Shadows, a full-length fantasy audiobook by Robert E. Howard. Follow Solomon Kane, a relentless seeker of justice and protector of the innocent, on a gripping quest for vengeance.
The story begins when Kane encounters a young girl who has survived a brutal bandit attack. She reveals her attacker as Le Loup, a sadistic pirate and ruthless marauder known for his cruelty. As Le Loup’s reign of terror continues, including a devastating attack on a nearby village, Kane is determined to bring him to justice.
The pursuit leads Kane across Africa, where he navigates treacherous terrain, dark forests, and ancient ruins in a relentless cat-and-mouse chase. Facing gruesome challenges, intense battles, and moral dilemmas, Kane's journey is both a thrilling adventure and a test of his resolve.
- Full-length fantasy audiobook, uninterrupted
- Engaging narration that enhances the suspense and epic scope of Kane's quest
- Ideal for fans of classic fantasy and heroic adventures
Join Solomon Kane on his relentless pursuit of justice. Press play and experience the thrilling adventure of Red Shadows.
An @audiobooky Production
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Chapter One. The Coming of Solomon.
The moonlight shimmered hazily, making silvery mists of illusion among the shadowy trees. A faint breeze whispered down the valley, bearing a shadow that was not of the moon-mist. A faint scent of smoke was apparent.
The man whose long, swinging strides, unhurried yet unswerving, had carried him for many a mile since sunrise, stopped suddenly. A movement in the trees had caught his attention, and he moved silently toward the shadows, a hand resting lightly on the hilt of his long, slim rapier.
Warily he advanced, his eyes striving to pierce the darkness that brooded under the trees. This was a wild and menacing country; death might be lurking under those trees. Then his hand fell away from the hilt and he leaned forward. Death indeed was there, but not in such shape as might cause him fear.
"The fires of Hades!" he murmured. "A girl! What has harmed you, child? Be not afraid of me."
The girl looked up at him, her face like a dim white rose in the dark.
"You—who are—you?" her words came in gasps.
"Naught but a wanderer, a landless man, but a friend to all in need." The gentle voice sounded somehow incongruous, coming from the man.
The girl sought to prop herself up on her elbow, and instantly he knelt and raised her to a sitting position, her head resting against his shoulder. His hand touched her breast and came away red and wet.
"Tell me." His voice was soft, soothing, as one speaks to a babe.
"Le Loup," she gasped, her voice swiftly growing weaker. "He and his men—descended upon our village—a mile up the valley. They robbed—slew—burned——"
"That, then, was the smoke I scented," muttered the man. "Go on, child."
"I ran. He, the Wolf, pursued me—and—caught me——" The words died away in a shuddering silence."
"I understand, child. Then——?"
"Then—he—he—stabbed me—with his dagger—oh, blessed saints!—mercy——"
Suddenly the slim form went limp. The man eased her to the earth, and touched her brow lightly.
"Dead!" he muttered.
Slowly he rose, mechanically wiping his hands upon his cloak. A dark scowl had settled on his somber brow. Yet he made no wild, reckless vow, swore no oath by saints or devils.
"Men shall die for this," he said coldly.
Robert Ervin Howard (January 22, 1906 – June 11, 1936) was an American writer, primarily known for his contributions to the fantasy and pulp fiction genres. He is best remembered as the creator of Conan the Barbarian, one of the most iconic characters in sword and sorcery literature.
From a young age, he showed a keen interest in literature, history, and storytelling, often immersing himself in books and inventing his own tales. Howard began his writing career as a teenager, contributing to various pulp magazines of the time, including "Weird Tales."
In addition to Conan, Howard created other memorable characters, such as Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, and Kull of Atlantis. He explored a range of genres, including historical fiction, horror, and westerns, often infusing his tales with elements of the supernatural and the occult.
Start - 0:00
Thank You - 0:16
Feature Presentation - 0:27
Chapter I: The Coming of Solomon - 0:35
Chapter II: The Lair of the Wolf - - 3:09
Chapter III: The Chant of the Drums - 17:35
Chapter IV: The Black God - 21:34
Chapter V: The End of the Red Trail - 44:31
Outro - 1:03:03