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SOLVED - 2013 Ford F150 TIRE PRESSURE SENSOR FAULT Solved After Tire Rotation #fixed #howto #diy

Hipiam 4,492 9 months ago
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This solved my Tire Pressure Sensor Fault that occured about 20 miles of driving after a tire rotation was done. Hit the like and subscribe button if this video helped you out. The link for the part is below as well as the instructions. #howto #diy - HOW TO Train Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors (TPMS) for $10 - TPMS Senor Trainer - GoPro 10 - GoPro Stand - GoPro Head Cam Mount 1. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position, then press and release the brake pedal. 2. Cycle the ignition switch from the OFF position to the RUN position for 3 times, ending in the RUN position. 3. Press and release the brake pedal. 4. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. 5. Turn the ignition switch from the OFF position to the RUN position 3 times, ending in the RUN position. *The horn will sound once and the TPMS indicator will flash if the training mode has been entered successfully. If equipped, the message center will display TRAIN LF TIRE.* 6. Place the tire pressure monitor activation tool on the LEFT (Driver's Side) FRONT tire sidewall at the valve stem. Press and release the test button repeatedly on the TPMS Tool until the horn beeps. (It may take up to 6 seconds for the tool to activate the sensor, Leave the tool on the sidewall for the entire 6 seconds). The horn beeping indicates that the body control module has recognized the TPMS sensor. 7. Within 2 minutes of the horn sounding confirming programming of the LF tire, place the TPMS tool on the RIGHT (Passenger's Side) FRONT tire sidewall at the valve stem and press the test button to activate the sensor. 8. Repeat step 7 for RIGHT REAR followed by LEFT REAR tire in that order. The procedure is complete after the last tire has been trained. When training is complete, the message center (if equipped) will display TIRE TRAINING COMPLETE. For vehicles not equipped with a message center, successful completion of the training procedure is verified by turning the key to the OFF position without the horn sounding. If the horn beeps twice when the switch is turned to OFF the training procedure was not successful.
