Help it was Such a long title, oh yes i may have mistakes, i lost my progress, but i still kept on with it, i tried to delete it, but it wouldnt let me sadly, that was it!
Also next Part will be your requests, and Dangerousfellows
if theres no requests I'll just find some character that they can react to haha-
Also Mc isnt only Female, thats why i wrote Mc and not Fmc, because im going to put on like genderless mc or something
also R/N was kinda crying or something because she, wanted to take him, and like R/N looks at MC as a rival and in the way for her to make the brothers love her and yeah, so she wants to like ruin everything for mc, and get luke and marius and the tears of themis guys, and like she becomes sad because now she wont have the chance to take him, and also because she likes boys, so shes like toxic too, just the brothers not knowing, or noticing