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【食譜】Son姐煮場|炆冬菇 Braised Shiitake Mushroom (附英文食譜 Eng Sub)

飲食男女 441,832 5 years ago
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不少人對張慧敏「Son姐」也不陌生,作為獵頭公司創辦人兼CEO,她縱橫職場多年,見盡職場光怪陸離之事,是一位女強人。想不到原來Son姐除了出得廳堂,還入得廚房,廚藝極之了得!作為一個媽媽,Son姐施展渾身解數,務求令兩個仔女都食得開心。我們當然抓緊機會,請Son姐煮幾味,過幾招給各位觀眾。 炆冬菇 材料: 冬菇半斤(留起浸泡的冬菇水) 紅葱頭 幾粒切碎片 薑 數片厚切 金華火腿 2両(可選擇加或不加) 糖 2茶匙 紹興酒 2湯匙 生粉 2湯匙 味醂 2湯匙 蠔油 2湯匙 麻油 少許。 做法: 1.冬菇先用溫水浸軟 2.擠乾水之後,用糖、薑、紹興酒、生粉撈勻,保留冬菇水 3.燒紅鑊加油爆香薑及紅葱頭片 4.加入冬菇爆炒,加冬菇水直接蓋過冬菇 5.視乎冬菇大小,慢火炆半小時至1小時 6.期間要不斷翻動檢查,以免黐底,水不夠再加水 7.加入蠔油、味醂調味 貼士:可以一次過做多一點份量,放涼後放入冰格貯存,不用解凍直接加熱吃 Braised Shiitake Mushroom Ingredients: Shiitake mushroom ½ catty (Keep water after soaking) Shallots Several pcs, sliced Ginger Several thick slices Jinhua ham 2 taels (Optional) Sugar 2 tsp Shaoxing wine 2 tbsp Corn starch 2 tbsp Mirin 2 tbsp Oyster sauce 2 tbsp Sesame oil Some Steps: 1. Soak shiitake mushroom in room temperature water until tender. 2. Drain and keep water. Add sugar, ginger, Shaoxing wine, and corn starch to shiitake mushroom. Mix well. 3. Heat pan with oil. Sauté ginger and shallot slices to release aroma. 4. Add shiitake mushroom to pan and stir-fry. Add mushroom soaked water to cover shiitake mushroom. 5. Depending on the size of mushrooms, simmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour to braise the mushrooms. 6. While simmering, keep flipping the mushrooms to prevent them from sticking to the pan. If the water dries out, add more water. 7. Season with oyster sauce and mirin to taste. Note: Can make a bigger batch at a time. To store, let cool to room temperature then freeze in an air-tight container. To prepare, reheat the frozen mushroom directly and enjoy. =================================== 🍎 新聞有價,用真相對抗不義 🍎 每日HK$1.68訂閱撐蘋果,盡覽《飲食男女》精彩內容: 👉 👈 訂閱《飲食男女》YouTube: Facebook: Instagram:
