We proudly present the debut live performance of Song of Cathay by The Asian Youth Orchestra (AYO).
Scored to inspire —— with its atmospheric tones, pentatonic structure, and influences from the Heart of Hong Kong, Song of Cathay is an auditory expression encapsulating one unifying goal—to capture our #MoveBeyond spirit and lift us all forward.
Learn more on #CathayStories: https://bit.ly/3QvBntP
國泰全新品牌樂曲《國泰躍韻》,由亞洲青年管弦樂團( AYO )首度現場演奏。
躍動心靈之音 —— 《國泰躍韻》以五聲音階譜寫,節奏簡潔鮮明,更流露了律動的香港脈搏,以聲音傳達了我們 #志在飛躍 、奮進向前的抱負。
了解更多 #國泰故事:https://bit.ly/4fDtL4I