dunno, this one felt kinda underwhelming no?
Download HQ Version here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/sonic-forces-egg-105950356
All rights and properties belong to their respective owners
➥Original composition by : Naofumi Hataya and/or Tomoya Ohtani
➥Thumbnail by : Unknown (official renders however)
➥Artwork by : In-game
My music outlets!
Ways to support:
➢ YouTube Members - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9QSa95B_8UIqYBqgVQB9g/join
➢ Tipping - https://bmc.link/dsenji OR https://ko-fi.com/dsenji
➢ Patreon (Remix/Cover Downloads) - https://www.patreon.com/dsenji
➢ Bandcamp (Original Music Downloads) - https://dsenji.bandcamp.com/
➢ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0z9I2B1wO1n0piP1MUAQIN?si=0o49H6IWSCezJpK9gnJ_Rg&nd=1
➢ Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/dsenji/1519412898
➢ Soundcloud (Practice uploaded here) - https://soundcloud.com/d-senji
Connect with me here!
➢ Twitter - https://twitter.com/senji_d
➢ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dsenjii/
➢ Second Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-p3siQ-agNSLZfed8zIMYw
➢ Can I use your music for ___?
A: Of course! As long as you give credit and use it for something other than a blatant re-upload, then use it for whatever, even commercially! Applicable copyright laws still apply when using one of my covers as I am not the original owner.
More Q's will be added over time!
Total Time Spent on Project : ~2 hours