This is a playthrough of Sonic Unleashed on the Wii. (timestamps below)
Here we have a story about a hedgehog (who at night turns into a Werehog) trying to fix a broken planet... and as Sonic plots go, it's actually pretty charming. I've always kinda liked Unleashed's writing; it's serious enough to show there's a threat that needs resolving, but still has light-hearted moments that make it a breath of fresh air after Shadow/'06 etc..
The presentation is (obviously) a downgrade. Not only are the in-game graphics much more limited due to the Wii being the Wii, but the cutscenes have taken a hit too thanks to compression. I've heard these were recorded from a beta version of the HD version, which would make sense: the models occasionally look a bit funky, the lip-sync seems a tad off, and they're much duller than the beauty of the lighting in the HD version (powered by the Hedgehog Engine).
That being said, though... I still prefer this version overall. A lot of the Werehog levels are unique and the progression system is simplified.
0:00:00 Opening Cutscene
0:10:14 Windmill Isle Day
0:30:03 Windmill Isle Night
1:04:00 Mazuri Boss - Day - Egg Beetle
1:14:40 Rooftop Run Night
1:34:32 Cool Edge Day
1:46:37 Dragon Road Night
2:04:51 Chun-nan Boss - Night - Dark Gaia Phoenix
2:16:36 Rooftop Run Day
2:23:39 Dragon Road Day
2:30:49 Spagonia Boss - Day - Egg Devil Ray
2:37:42 Cool Edge Night
2:53:39 Holoska Boss - Night - Dark Moray
3:04:08 Arid Sands Day
3:13:49 Jungle Joyride Night
3:38:04 Arid Sands Night
4:03:44 Shamar Boss - Night - Dark Guardian
4:09:46 Jungle Joyride Day
4:17:07 Adabat Boss - Day - Egg Lancer
4:28:35 Eggmanland Day
4:41:13 Eggmanland Night
5:15:52 Eggmanland Boss - Night - Egg Dragoon
5:21:28 Dark Gaia Intro
5:24:39 Eggmanland Boss - Day - Dark Gaia
5:29:01 Perfect Dark Gaia Intro
5:31:45 Final Boss - Perfect Dark Gaia
5:41:12 Credits
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