Hello! This is a guide to painting Doctor Octopus from Marvel: Crisis Protocol: https://amzn.to/32SGB8s
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Spotify: https://goo.gl/idxkB5
Complete Marvel: Crisis Protocol Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6xOeNhrVj9uVVNLDpTJiQdBm6biwqfnb
Video on how I made the terrain for M:CP: https://youtu.be/OWzT4PsejSs
PAINT BRUSHES: I use the Rosemary & Co Series 8 Size 2 brush for most things: https://www.rosemaryandco.com/series-8-pointed-round?u=21774e (select "short handle")
Spider-man PDF painting guide: https://sorastro.com/2020/02/01/spider-man-pdf-painting-guide/
Black Widow PDF painting guide: https://sorastro.com/2020/03/21/black-widow-pdf-painting-guide/
Atomic Mass Games: https://www.atomicmassgames.com/
AMG YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeq1mdFkeY1pdei1zZLaZVw/videos
0:00 - Introduction
0:45 - Steps Overview
1:20 - Base Colours
5:20 - Highlighting the Yellow
8:04 - Highlighting the Green
14:33 - Highlighting the Nuclear Reactor
20:35 - Tentacles
Bugman's Glow (C)
Black (VMC)
Dark Sea Blue (VMC)
Green Brown (VMC)
Brown Violet (VMC)
Titanium White (S)
Black Green (VMC)
Sunset Purple (SC)
Deep Red (SC)
Seraphim Sepia (C)
Druchii Violet (C)
Sahara Yellow (SC)
Sol Yellow (SC)
Irati Green (SC)
Spring Green (SC)
Cadian Fleshtone (C)
Antares Red (SC)
Fuchsia (SC)
Fluorescent Magenta (VMC)
Ivory (VMC)
Blue Grey Pale (VMC)
Blue Green (VMC)
Inktense Black (SC)
Inktense Violet (SC)
Also for the base:
Stonewall Grey (VMA)
Bonewhite (VMA)
Nuln Oil (C)
Affiliate link to the complete super-matte Scalecolor paint set at Element Games: https://elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/paints-hobby-and-scenery-by-manufacturer/scale-75/scale-75-scalecolor/scalecolor-colleccion?d=10786
KEY: C = Citadel, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMA = Vallejo Model Air, S = Schmincke, P3 = P3, SC = Scalecolor, SW = Secret Weapon
(Please note Amazon links are affiliate links; thanks!)
Lahmian Medium: https://amzn.to/2Wz65VK
Javis Urban Scatter: https://amzn.to/2JKnGWD (I'm not sure if this is available in the US?)
Redgrass Games Wet Palette: https://www.redgrassgames.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjOrtBRCcARIsAEq4rW67Ypmz4nLB6ACOi8id6z1_-5rDCUG-xTAOsH4ErGDa8cuuvO8Yuk0aAtVJEALw_wcB
Daler Rowney Flow Enhancer: https://amzn.to/2HMR1AF
Hobby Holder: https://gameenvy.net
For airbrush users, this is the black primer I use: https://amzn.to/2HOc8me
And I also used Cold Grey and Dead White from the Vallejo Model Air range.
The airbrush used for priming was the Iwata Revolution CR: https://amzn.to/2Qq2UQo
All music composed by and © copyright owned by Sorastro.