外房線 茂原駅での列車発着シーンです。
This is the train departure and arrival scene at Sotobo Line Mobara Station.
In addition to trains on the Sotobo Line, there are trains that come in from the Keiyo Line and the Sobu Line.
This time, I shot three types of trains: limited express trains, trains on the Sotobo Line, and trains from the Keiyo Line.
I couldn't take a video of the train from the Sobu line, but I took it with my camera.
0:00~ 特急わかしお10号 E257系500番台 京葉線経由 東京行き
Limited Express ''Wakashio'' No.10 E257-500 series via Keiyō line bound for Tōkyō
2:15~ 外房線 209系2000番台・2100番台 各駅停車 千葉行き
Sotobō line 209-2000&2100 series local bound for Chiba
4:10~ 外房線 E233系5000番台 快速 上総一ノ宮行き
Sōtobō line E233-5000 series rapid bound for Kazusa-Ichinomiya