ओहो! गज़ब हो गया, आग्नेय कोण में टॉयलेट-अब क्या होगा? Dear Viewers south east toilet Vastu remedies are simple but Vastu remedies for south east toilet should be done as defined by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj. If you ask Agni kon me toilet ho to kya kare it means you are asking about southeast toilet remedies with reference to Vastu remedies of toilet being defined in this youtube Video in Hindi. Therefore, Vastu tips for toilet in southeast direction are defined here and रेमेडी कर लो-तोडना मना है-पैसे में आज तक कोई बरकत नहीं पानी की तरह बह जाता है then do remedies.
In this youtube video in Hindi by Dr. Anand Bharadwaj Vastu consultant as defined South East toilet Vastu remedies are very easy if you are going to do some remedies with the help of sea salt and red tumbles also you can use the red bulb in the South East corner of the toilet because Agni kon me toilet ho to kya kare is the common question why the youtube viewers in Hindi and they ask for Vastu remedies for toilet in South East direction which is made by mistake or unknowingly. Vastu for South East direction toilet is also defined in this youtube video in Hindi by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu consultant and he has tried to explain the impact of any toilet which is in South East direction or in Agni Kon or fire direction or fire corner as per Vastu shastra but it is not difficult to do any remedy of Vastu if you can do yourself and no need of demolition of any toilet or a washroom, or bath room in the South East direction which is Agni kon or fire direction and no need to purchase any costly gadgets or objects from the market or from the Vastu consultant in the name of Vastu remedies because they are very simple and everybody can do without any much expensive therefore no need to spend even a single penny on useless remedies yes you can have your house or home remedies in your house or in your kitchen which is not very costly and may cost you few rupees only and you can do all remedies which is scientific and authentic and there is no question mark on such remedies for your toilet or washroom or bathroom in the South East direction. Bathroom in South East direction or Sandas in South East direction is to be treated or cured the remedies upchar with the help of sea salt which is available in the market and very cheap available on the grocery shops. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is such a Vastu consultant who defines everything with the help of science and logic and no need to do any Tantra mantra yantra in the toilet because they are not auspicious to do inside the toilet. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj always tells you the various methods which are very easy to do as per Vastu shastra and the remedial Vastu is not difficult at all and everybody can do in one or two days without any breakdown or any breaking of any wall or floor. Agni con is the direction of South East which is from the middle of South to middle of east and there should be no toilet or any washroom or bathroom or washing machine or other things in this direction because this is the dry direction and this represents the fire element which is the 5th element in Bhoomi, Jal, Vayu, Agni, Akash. Thank you very much…
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