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በዚህ ዝማሬ እንደተባረካችሁ እናምናለን። ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰባችን እንድትሆኑ እኛንም እንድታበረቱን በጌታ ፍቅር እንጠይቃለን እንወዳችኋለን!!! Song Lyrics Sovereign   Through the path of life that I trail, Where every day I struggle and toil   I could not understand several things and keep asking why? to whom? when? where? then what?...   When all these things trouble my soul, knowing something calms me down   Sovereign, You alone are sovereign Sovereign God You are Sovereign   You are not to be asked why you did this or that There is none that can stand before you and ask that   Weaver, You are the weaver of my life *2 | Potter, You indeed are the Potter of my life *2 |   Those who wanted to help judged me and They gathered all sorts of reasons I was silent and became what they said I was   When they told me it is for good, I said amen and stood When they told me this is because you trespassed I repented and asked for mercy of God   When they told me it is the enemy’s dart I stood up to fight   When they pointed me to human evil I cried out for my God’s help to prevail   When they told me God is fixing you, be patient I said ok and clenched my teeth And stood firm and stout and strengthened my faith   Sometimes life is like that, but God has the explanation Whether I understand it or not, in my life, He is sovereign   Sometimes life is like that, but God has the explanation Whether I understand it or not, in my life, He is sovereign   Sovereign, you cannot be asked for a reason And, You will never be asked “why” by anyone. ሉአላዊ በማልፍበት መንገድ በህይወት ጎዳና በየለት ውሎዬ ሳልፍ በጎንበስ ቀና ሊገቡኝ አልቻሉም ለምን ከዛስ እንዴት ለማ መቼ በማ ቀጣዩስ ወዴት በዚ ሁሉ ነፍሴ ስትጨነቅ ያረጋጋል አንድ ነገርን ማወቅ ሉዓላዊ ብቻህን ሉዓላዊ ነህ ሉዓላዊ እግ/ር ሉዓላዊ ነህ ሉዓላዊ ለምን እንዲ አደረክ አንተ አትባልም ሉዓላዊ አንተን ደርሶ ሚጠይቅ የለም ሸማኔው አንተ የህይወቴ ሸማኔ ሸክላ ሰሪው አንተ የህይወቴ ሸክላ ሰሪ ፈረዱ ሊረዱ የወደዱ አሰቡ ምክንያት ሰበሰቡ ዝም አልኩኝ ኦሆኦሆኦሆ እንዳሉኝ ሆንኩኝ ለበጎ ነው ቢሉኝ አሜን ብዬ ጮህኩኝ አጥፍተሃል ቢሉኝ ማረኝ ማረኝ አልኩኝ ጠላት ነው ያሉኝ ለት ቆምኩኝ ለጦርነት የሰው ክፋት ጠቆሙኝ አድነኝ አልኩኝ ጮህኩኝ ሊሰራህ ነው ታገስ እሺ አልኩኝ ጥርሴን ነከስኩኝ እምነቴን አበረታሁ ቆምኩኝ በረታው ፀናው አንዳንዴ ህይወት እንዲህ ነው መልሱ እግ/ር ጋር ነው ቢገባኝም ባይገባኝም በኔ ህይወት ሉዓላዊ ነው ሉዓላዊ (4*) Follow me on Instagram Telegram +971 50 301 5484 EPHRAIM AMARE
