Soy Sauce Chicken is one of the classic ways to cook chicken in Chinese style. It’s easy even for beginners. Try it, and you will be amazed by its unique taste of the chicken and the freshness of the chicken.
材料 Ingredients:
雞 1隻 Chicken 1
薑 10片 Ginger 10 pieces
蔥 1束 Scallion 1 bunch
蒜 2粒 Garlic 2 cloves
冰糖 1塊 Ice sugar 1 block
蠔油 1湯匙 Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
老抽 1湯匙 Dark soy sauce 1 tbsp
生抽 2湯匙 Light soy sauce 2 tbsp
花雕 2 湯匙 Chinese wine (Shaoxing Huadiao wine) 2 tbsp
水 5湯匙 Water 5 tbsp
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