Synopsis: The Female "Wolf Warrior" special forces war action film tells the story of the turbulent times and overlapping religious forces in the country of T. Bai Zhi assembled teammates such as Guiche, Bijiao, Liefian, Xijiao, and Skynet to go deep into the enemy's lair to rescue the religious leader, the king. In the process, they accidentally discovered the cruel and inhumane terrorist acts of the country of T - imprisoning hundreds of young women as hostages. The members carried the conscience and justice of humanity and went deep into the terrorist base to carry out the rescue operation. Unexpectedly, these seemingly powerless girls have become killing machines. Faced with numerous crises, the members and the terrorist organization will launch an ultimate battle to defend justice.
故事简介: 女版“战狼”特种兵战争动作电影讲述了时局动荡与宗教势力交叠的T国,白炙集结鬼车、狴蛟、猎隼、犀角、天网等队友,深入敌穴,营救宗教领袖国王。在此过程中,却意外发现T国惨绝人寰的恐怖行径——囚禁数百名年轻女子为人质,成员们怀揣着人性的良知与正义,深入恐怖分子基地开展营救行动,不料这些看似手无缚鸡之力的少女们已成为杀人机器。面对重重危机,成员们与恐怖组织将开展一场捍卫正义的终极战役。
出品 Studio: 北京耳东明樾影业 Erdong Mingyue Films, 淘梦影业 Tmeng Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 张亮亮 Zhang Lingling, 肖鹏 Xiao Peng, 吴凌霖 Wu Linglin.
导演 Directed by: 路云飞 Lun Yunfei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 武阳 Wu Yang, 徐文林 Xu Wenlin.
主演 Starring: 安吉赫萱 Anji Hexuan,卜祉亦 Bu Zhiyi, 魏小欢 Wei Xiaohuan, 张波微 Zhang Bowei, 萧潇 Xiao Xiao.
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #战争 #war #特种兵 #specialforces
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