This is the Spell of Ra from Master Gibson. Using the blinking sun with the voice of Ra adds to the power of the sun by a thousand fold or more. (Master words). This is a call to action for all Lightworkers to disband this darkness and heal our world. Use this video at least 10 minutes/daily.
The Spell of Ra
This Spell will help to heal this world of the darkness that threatens us. Listen to it at least once per day while looking at the spell provided. Allow your higher mind to do the work. The spell is free for all and it contains the Voice of Ra speaking through Djanthi-Thoth.
Somwees....May I have power in my heart....May I have power in my mouth....May I have power in my lungs...May I have power over invocations and offerings....May I have power over the earth...the air...and the waters.....May I have power over all things that float in the air.. live in the blood and the streams of life...May we yet live and overcome all darkness with the power of Ra....Somwees
Price: FREE