Spiritual Teachings of Sri Sri Maa | Deep Analysis by Swami Samarpanananda
স্বামি সমরপনানন্দ মহারাজ শ্রীশ্রী মায়ের উপর অসাধারণ বক্তৃতা দিলেন,Swami Samarpanananda.
The Life and Teachings of Sri Sri Maa | Amazing Speech by Swami Samarpanananda
Spiritual Teachings of Sri Sri Maa | Deep Analysis by Swami Samarpanananda
Sri Sri Maa’s Wisdom and Message | Insightful Talk by Swami Samarpanananda
He came in contact with the monks of the Ramakrishna Order as a young student. Inspired by them, he joined the organization in 1980 at the age of twenty and became sannyasin (monk) at the age of thirty, as per the norm of the Ramakrishna Mission.
Since his joining the order as a monk, he has worked at various centers of the Ramakrishna Mission, viz. Deoghar, Advaita Ashrama, Alo (Arunachal Pradesh), Narendrapur, Kanpur, Chapra (Bihar). He was the Principal of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar, and was the head of Ramakrishna Mission, Chapra, Bihar. Presently he teaches ancient and modern scriptures at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute.
His work experience ranges from teaching to management through a lot of other responsibilities. He writes regularly for newspapers, journals, and magazines like Prabuddha Bharata and Vedanta Kesari. He has been invited as a guest lecturer at various institutions like IITs and IIMs. He is well-known as an author and a speaker.
His first book, Tiya-A Parrot's Journey Home, was published in 2009. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam highly appreciated the book and recommended it freely as one of the top five must-read books. It is a suggested read for English for Class XI-XII under CBSE Curriculum. ( Circular No.03/2012, CBSE/ACAD/DIR (TRG)/2012 dated 11.04.2012 ). It is also available in Hindi, Bengali, Bahasa Indonesian, and as an audiobook.
His other books have also been well-received in India and abroad.
The prime focus of his works is one's growth against all odds through struggle
Swami Samarpanananda
Spirituality Religion @Spir101