A biomarker is a measurable characteristic in the body that indicates that disease is present. Certain biomarkers can even measure how advanced a disease is. For a long while, there were no reliable biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease. This hindered research efforts because we could not be sure whether everyone in a clinical trial truly had PD or whether their disease objectively changed with the potential therapy. The biomarker landscape has been rapidly evolving over the last few years and APDA wants to make sure you understand the exciting changes.
In this episode, Chairman of APDA’s Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. David Standaert gives us a primer on biomarkers for PD!
You will learn:
• Why are biomarkers for PD so important?
• Are there tests that can determine whether I have PD?
• If so, why hasn’t my doctor ordered one and should I ask to get one?
• What is a seed amplification assay?
• Can a skin biopsy determine if I have PD?
• What are the limitations of these tests?
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