This is a video of the garden taken this morning. The plants are now starting to die down and prepare for winter. We still haven’t had a frost here yet so the tender plants are still growing well. I will however, start lifting them out in a week or so’s time and potting them up to go into our house or outhouse. I have not done much ‘gardening’ here this year as because of the pandemic I have only had 11 visitors all year. We had over 500 last year! This has given me a chance to just let the garden do it’s thing without me cutting back and primping and preening it so the garden is very overgrown and untidy compared to usual. The plants on the patio were either for sale on our garden open day (that didn’t happen) or are newly acquired and will be added to the garden planting for next year.
Even though it’s a mess I hope you still enjoy the walk around. I have a few ideas for replanting etc for next year and a lot of areas will be cleared ready for new plants. I hope to re turf the lawn next year also.